Monday, October 19, 2015

Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions - Heart Throb: Anime Review

Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions - Heart Throb Score: 6.8


Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions - Heart Throb, is the second season of Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions, which I reviewed last week [click to view]. The story follows the same characters as they go into their next year of high school and discover themselves further while forming stronger bonds. By a turn of events, Rikka ends up moving in with Yuta and his sister. Due to this, her upstairs apartment becomes up for sale, and who will move in? None other than the girl (never mentioned in season 1) that got Yuta into Chunibyo a few years ago. She, of course, used to be in love with Yuta, but gave it up so that she could keep her powers as the Magical Devil Girl! Wahahaha. The story line takes the exact path that you would imagine in your mind: love triangle. Honestly, this really disappointed me; however, not enough so that it completely killed the show. I still enjoyed it because I already loved the characters from season one.


What this season does, is give fans of season one a chance to see the characters they love interact again. The story line may be weak, but the characters are still strong. To go along with this, the character development in this season really shined. I actually, more than seeing Rikka and Yuta interact, enjoyed seeing the side characters develop in a much needed way, since they lacked a little in season one. They got a lot of development and attention in this season, which was super fun to watch! The character development was so strong in fact, that Sofia the Magical Devil Girl was even likable due to her development, even though she was already set up to be disliked due to the role she played.

Additionally, the animation stayed solid again; character designs were enhanced with some new outfits, which I appreciated. The comedy was still there, and at the same level as the first season. I can at least say a lot of the time I was laughing and enjoying myself throughout the season.


Unfortunately, this season suffered from a lame and basic plot line. If they wanted to add a new character, they should have made her another person who joined the club to add some more comedy and fun. I believe the focus of this season should have been furthering Rikka and Yuta’s relationship. They do try to make this a focal point, but by the end, the relationship is hardly furthered at all, so I don’t think it counts. Instead of this, they made Rikka basically a side character, and Sophia the Magical Devil Girl creates a love triangle that is obviously pointless from the beginning because Yuta only cares about Rikka. The whole thing is a major annoyance that cripples Rikka and Yuta from furthering their relationship in any way. It also creates a plethora of irritating mellow drama.

Lastly, I feel that the extra episode was really stupid. I didn’t like it at all, and it shattered my respect for Yuta. They should have made another Christmas episode that ended with a long awaited kiss. You’ll know what I mean if you see it.


Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions: Heart-Throb is a chance for fans of the first season to enjoy interactions between the characters they love once again; however, I do think that it could have been left at the first season. I wish they would have added some of the character development of the side characters into the first season and made that season a little longer. The poorly done love-triangle and pointless last episode was a grave disappointment. Therefore, I can only award it a 6.8 out of 10. It’s okay, but don’t expect anything ground-shaking or inventive like the first season was.

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