Monday, October 12, 2015

Brothers Conflict Anime Review



Brothers Conflict is a Reverse Harem Game-Based Series surrounding a girl named Ema (nickname "Chi") with a father who is often away traveling, so she is left alone with no family much of the time. Until.. One day she receives news that her father will be marrying a woman with thirteen sons! To make things even more unrealistic, eleven of them still live at home in a giant modern mansion while their mother and Ema's dad stay somewhere else and travel. So, rather than Ema staying in her dad's apartment, like she would if this was real life, she moves into the mansion with all eleven brothers and of course no parents around. She brings along her pet squirrel Juli, who can talk, and tries to protect her from the advances of her new brothers as Ema unsuspectingly tries to enjoy her new life with siblings. The show follows the brothers getting into conflicts with one another over their love for their new sister.

In order to enjoy the show, I'd say it's mandatory that you are a girl who is in the mood to watch a fluffy and unrealistic type of show. It has many faults, but I can't say that it wasn't okay to watch when your trying to fall asleep before bed or on a lazy Sunday morning with scones and tea. 


To start with, the animation is really nice. I enjoyed pretty much all of the character designs, backgrounds, house design, ect. Brains Base (the animation studio behind it) is known for this serene style of animating, which is perfect for shoujo anime. My favorite part about this series is, odd enough, the opening theme. The opening song Beloved X Survival was simply the right fit for this type of show and a great song in its own right I think. Another pro for Brothers Conflict were the two OVA episodes. The show consists of 13 episodes and two OVA's for Christmas and Valentine's Day. The Christmas Episode was fun to watch for me because I love themed episodes like that. 

Additionally, all of the brothers had unique and interesting personalities, hobbies, and quirks. They were dynamic characters/ arch types, and none of them were flat. Some of them, such as the one who cross-dresses, made for some really hilarious moments just by being in the scene.

Lastly, this show is just relaxing to watch. The music, animation, and voices all work together to create the perfect show for a lazy morning or late night. I liked watching the show for this reason, and that's where the real positive side of this show is.


Unfortunately, this show is clamored with flaws. For one, its plot. Wait, there isn't really a plot at all.. No storyline in sight! The episodes are just Chi's new brothers falling in love with her for no reason at all. Which I'm sure this concept would make some people uncomfortable as it is. This didn't really bother me too much because they aren't related in any way only by marriage, but I can see the moral failures clearly nonetheless. Either way, Ema/Chi's character design, personality, and everything is just boring, basic, and flat. There is no way that every single one of these guys who all have successful careers, dynamic personalities, and good looks would fall for her. It'd be believable if it was one of them, but all 13? 

In addition to Chi having no special talents or personality, she is a complete baka (idiot). She just allows all of the guys to flirt with her even though she doesn't like it, and she insists that after all of their declarations of love - they are all just family. She is always saying things like "It's so nice to have great brothers, we are a family." It's like she is completely blind to their advances. Which is so agitating. 

What's worse than all of that though, is the fact that she doesn't even pick one at the end. She doesn't develop a relationship with any one of the potentials. So therefore, the show ends up being a big waste of time. There is this one episode, where things start coming to a head and *SPOILER* her pet squirrel turns into a human in a dream-like reality, and they just brush it all under the rug. It goes nowhere. In the beginning of the show Chi is happy to have new siblings and insists there is nothing more, and it is the very same throughout and at the end of the show. 


Brothers Conflict isn't a masterpiece or really worth the watch at all, but if you are a girl looking for a fluffy and relaxing reverse harem type of show - give it a go. Other than that, you probably won't like it. I did enjoy watching it while bored, but I realize the small audience it has, so I have graded it as such: 5.5 out of 10. I think the show's lack of direction and flat ending caused it to suffer.

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1 comment:

  1. Check out Nodame Cantabile, Hana Yori Dango and Gokusen, each was based on anime or manga series or both. Look for these series at places like YesAsia and on eBay. Make sure to get the English subtitled versions.
