Monday, January 4, 2016

Inu X Boku SS (Secret Service) Anime Review



Inu x Boku SS or Inu x Boku Secret Service (12 episodes + 1 OVA) is one of the better anime I have seen in a long time. I have been looking for something, specifically, with comedy, a fresh take on romance, a unique story, and clean art style - this is that anime to a T. One thing I want to clear up before delving into it's premise is the type of show that this is. Most everywhere I have seen this show talked about, it is told that this is a shonen and sometimes it's depicted as a reverse harem. This show is neither of those. I would sooner classify it as a shoujo, since it's main themes are drama and romance, and it's certainly not a reverse harem. None of the other male characters are romantically interested in the female lead aside from the one male lead. So, if you were hoping for an action packed shonen or a reverse harem, keep looking!

The story follows high school age Miss Ririchiyo Shirakiin, part of the elite Shirakiin family who posess yokai powers. On episode one, her elite living quarters are introduced, a modernly styled tower with everything one could ever need - this is the main setting of the show and what everything revolves around. Very few residents stay at this mansion, as it is especially for those with powers and is protected by a force-field. Each of the residents have their very own secret service member that has powers as well. Miss Ririchiyo does not have a secret service member until she is approached at her door by an overly obedient gentleman, Mikitsukami, who begs to be able to serve her. 

What's most interesting about this show is that the powers and unique characters are all kind of just a side plot. The true story lies within the connection between Mikitsukami and Miss Ririchiyo. I can't say more about it, to avoid spoiling it for you. However, it's very good the way it all comes together if you can have patience to see it all finally revealed. 


As you can probably tell from my rating, this show mostly has positive aspects. First, it goes without saying, the animation and soundtrack are superb. The opening theme for this show is amazing, and I even downloaded it. I love the sound effect that happens on the commercial break sections - just perfect! All of the scenes were relaxing and serene, and the character designs were excellent. Speaking of characters, all of the characters were really quirky and unique, which added a lot of enjoyment to the show. Even very small side characters had distinct personalities; not one character came off as flat or uninteresting. The two side characters I enjoyed the most were Karuta and Watanuki. Karuta is an adorable girl with candy pink hair who is always off in the clouds with a vacant expression eating food. Watanuki, is a blonde boy with striking blue eyes who constantly trains to try and impress Karuta; even though he can never be stronger/ braver than her, she loves him the way he is.

Moving on to our two main characters, Mikitsukami and Miss Ririchiyo. I can't say a lot about Mikitsukami without ruining the plot, but let's just say... he is in fact a very interesting character. He turns into a nine tailed fox Yokai when defending his mistress, his normal character is designed as a dreamy Bishounen character with one golden eye and one sea blue eye. For the first half of the series his overlying character traits are extreme attention to detail, and over obedience. He appears very mysterious and polite to the audience as well as Miss Ririchiyo, but has an interesting back story that is revealed at the end describing his connection to and reason for being so attached to her. Miss Ririchiyo on the other hand, is a small loli style character with a cool attitude. When using her powers she has wings and small horns. She comes off as sarcastic and rude, but she instinctively acts this way, while feeling differently inside. Some might classify her as a tsundere, but if she is one, she is a much more played down version of one - seeing as she isn't feisty really. She is a mature and logical thinker, and it's fun to watch her accidentally fall for Mikitsukami. For the first half of the show, she truly believes she has an "irregular heartbeat" that needs to be checked out because of the way he makes her feel.

Lastly, for pros, the comedy and drama in this show are really well done and balanced. A lot of people don't categorize this as comedy, but I found it really funny! Especially the OVA episode, I was cracking up. As for the drama, none of it felt melodramatic; I enjoyed watching it play out and the mysteries beneath being revealed. I felt like the show had a lot of interesting content going on.


There really aren't a lot of cons with this one in my opinion. The only thing I can say is that I wish it had a second season so, so much. I don't think there is any plans for one though, so that's disappointing. I'm considering reading the source material for this because I really enjoyed the characters, which brings me to the next con. I wish there was more screen time for some of the side characters, but with a twelve episode show it's to be expected. 

Lastly for cons, I want to state that this show might not be for everyone. I loved it, but I understand that some people may find it boring or to niche for their tastes. I can't really point out why, but I think that will be the case for some people with this series.


I will always look back on this show with fond memories, Inu X Boku SS was stand out and highly enjoyable. I have awarded this show a 9.5 out of 10! If you think it would suit your fancy from my description above, I think you should watch it right now! There is a solid English Dub, for dub fans, and it's only 12 episodes - what do you have to lose?!  

1 comment:

  1. I am hoping the same best effort from you in the future as well. In fact your creative writing skills has inspired me.
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