Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Dangan Ronpa: The Animation Anime Review



Yes, I know what your thinking, "Really?! A PERFECT Ten?!" Especially those of you who have played the visual novel; I'm sure you're really mad right now. But, it's true, I did not find flaws with this anime. I am judging it as a stand alone, and not comparing it to the game. I strongly believe that if you have not played the game and just watch the anime, you will love it. If you have played the game, I'm sure it's not as much to write home about considering it's basically the same story with less character development. Standing on its own though, it is really, really good. Dangan Ronpa is just an all around good story and franchise.

This is a mystery, horror (not "gore-or") anime with some psychological elements that will keep you glued to the screen episode after episode in suspense. We are introduced to a boy named Naegi who is excited to start his life in a new and prestigious school he worked quite hard to get in to. However, as he takes his very first step into the promise land, everything goes completely blank. He then wakes up in an iron clad classroom completely alone with no reach to the outside world. Over the intercom, he hears to meet in the gym. In the gym he convenes with 14 other young hopefuls who are just as confused and mystified as he. Then a creepy looking bear pops up.. to explain their fate. All 15 young captives are stuck in this school forever. Unless, they commit the perfect murder to one of their cohabitants. Once the corpse is found, the students have 24 hours to investigate, and then the trial begins. If the students can guess correctly who the murderer was, it is not the perfect crime, and so the murderer is executed in extravagant fashion in front of the jury. However, if they pin the murder on the wrong person, all of them die except the correct murder who walks away clean with their new-found freedom...


Dangan Ronpa has one of the best story lines I have ever scene, executed perfectly, keeping the truth behind the school a complete mystery until the very end. It has all of the elements needed for a great mystery. I can't give away too much more about the story line, as it would completely kill (no pun intended) the show for you. So let's jump into characters. Every character has something "super" about them that makes them special, such as being good at a sport, hobby, or way of life. There are only a few characters who get decent development along the way, but the ones who do are worth it. &While there isn't a ton of development for every character, it almost doesn't matter at all in this type of show. It's clear from the start that one character will be making it to the end - Naegi of course, our MC. The best thing about this though, is that we don't know who else is going to make it with him. We can't form any attachments to anyone, but that doesn't matter, because the audience has more fun figuring out who will be executed next. Which brings us to another pro, the trials.

Who will commit the next murder? What will their motives be? Who will they try to pin it on? All questions are raised when a new corpse is found. As the captives scrounge the scene for clues, the clock ticks until trial. Trials are the best part of this show, and if you aren't hooked by the first episode, you will be by the first trial. Every single time, I did not know who the murder was, and it was impossible to guess until the characters started bringing things to light and pin pointing evidence, which made it extremely interesting to hear, and in fact, even see. The visuals for the trial periods were insanely good, and made the atmosphere just right. Speaking of, all of the visuals were great in this anime. The art style was super unique and the horror style was too. Although the whole color pallet was turned dark for the animation, all blood was bright pink. I don't know what else to say about that, besides that it worked.

Lastly, the ending was gold. You will not see it coming, and it isn't disappointing in the least. The extravagance and trickery behind the school is shockingly satisfying to finally hear laid out after 10 or so episodes of wondering. Which brings us to the only (somewhat not really) flaw that I have tacked on at the end here: the show is short. If it were a full 24 episodes, I think it would have been even better.


As I'm sure you may have guessed by the lack of cons and rest, Dangan Ronpa earned a perfect 10 out of 10! Mysterious, Enthralling, Can't Get Enough horror and adventure. A classic toil between hope and despair. A must watch.

Watched on: Dubs2go.net

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