Thursday, September 17, 2015

Amnesia Anime Review

Amnesia Score: 6.25


Amnesia is a rather short anime based off of a visual novel coming in at just 12 episodes long, focusing around an average young girl who wakes up in several parallel worlds as an amnesiac. It’s actually a really complicated plot that doesn’t get enough explanation. To sum it up the best I can she wakes up every August 1st in a new parallel world not knowing where she is or how she got there (and we the audience have no clue either). A floating spirit/boy with green hair named Orion is there to greet her and be her guide as they figure out what’s going on together. They travel through the life she has in whatever particular world she is currently in, and try to understand the meaning of what’s happening. Throughout each world, or story arc really, the characters all remain; however, they have a different place in her life. I think it classifies as a reverse harem because in each parallel world a different guy in her circle is either her boyfriend or trying to win her affections. While the story definitely needed more of an explanation and left me utterly confused at several points, something in me made me want to keep watching it…


Starting off with the quick stuff, I did really enjoy the anime style and color pallet for Amnesia. It really fit the tone. The music was befitting too; I enjoyed watching the opening theme and rarely skipped over it.

The major pro that I have for this anime is its story line. I thought the concept was really good and intriguing. A lot of people have a problem with the way it was executed, and I agree things could have been done better. However, when I am analyzing the way that they did choose to execute it, there are things that work and are done well within that. For one, the fact that we had absolutely no set-up or back story. When you start watching this anime, you are going in blind and will have no idea what’s going to happen next. I actually kind of liked this – the enigma of it kept me wanting more. 

The next thing many people complain about regarding this anime is the hollowness of the main character and her lack of personality. Although, when I think about her situation, it makes sense to me and it works. She doesn’t have a personality because she has lost her memories; she has no idea who she is or why she’s even here. Another reason they did this (in my opinion) is to make it so that you can put yourself in her shoes and actually be her character. While I was watching it, I could imagine myself trying to figure out where I was almost like a visual novel! In fact I don’t even remember the protagonists name because I just imagined her as me. I really liked that aspect, and it makes me want to play the actual visual novel. If she would have been overly one way or the other about things it would completely lose this element. 


Although Amnesia has a great plot and I enjoyed its reverse harem visual novel style and enigma, the anime unfortunately suffers from many flaws. It was interesting that we didn’t get any information up front and made for a good mystery, but when we don’t get answers even after it’s over... that’s bad. I felt like everything was up in the air. We figure out why she is being transferred between these parallel worlds, but we just don’t learn enough about the background to feel like it’s legitimate. I know that seems vague, but I don’t want to spoil it for anyone. Basically, the answers we get aren’t satisfying thus the ending is a bit of a letdown. 

Another con, is the lack of character development. Through each arc, you would think, you would get to know each character better and better, but you don’t. You don’t even learn enough about the main guy for each arc. There was one arc where the guy became a little psychotic and started treating her like his doll, which was fascinating, but I didn’t understand what brought him to that point... So by the time his arc is over, we are again left with no answers. Most of the fulfillment I got from this show was purely situational. The characters were set up to be in an interesting situation, but the characters themselves weren’t all that interesting.

When it comes down to it, the major con for me here is the wasted potential. It’s sad to see such a cool concept get taken into the wrong direction. It didn’t get enough run time, and things plain didn’t go anywhere. I think they could have done wonders with this concept and made a masterpiece, but I have to now just accept that it didn’t end up working out that way. 


All said and done, the show is nothing to gush about. I personally enjoyed watching it and the mystery kept me going enough for me to finish it in just one weekend, but I don’t think it’s for everyone. I’m not sure a guy would enjoy it as much as a girl due to the reverse harem and visual novel style with a female protagonist. However, I did find it interesting so I have settled on a final score of 6.25. Not great, but I think some people would find it worth a watch.

If anyone has any recommendations for anime's like this with better execution, let me know in the comments!

Watched on: (free source)


  1. Pretty good review : D. And yeah, when one female has a group of male guys vying for her affections, it is called reverse harem. There are quite a few of them around.

    Here are some animes you can try out in this vein (or follow the same type of genre at least);

    Miracle Train - Ōedo-sen e Yōkoso, vampire knight, pandora hearts (a fav of my mine), Fushigi Yugi, Hanasakeru Seishōnen, Angelique, Earl and Fairy, diabolik lovers.

    They are just a few. Barring pandora hearts and briefly Angelique, i haven't seen the afore mentioned xDD.

    1. Thanks! &Thanks so much for the recommendations. This is the first reverse harem I've seen. I just started kamisama kiss which isn't bad so far. I don't know if Fruits Basket counts as one? Well it's certainly a shoujo. I am going to review that anime next probably. &I will def check out your suggestions! <3
